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Week 3

Year One Music Session 1

Mrs Presswood has recorded you a fab music session, we hope you enjoy!


Work through Session 1 in the PowerPoint or PDF and complete the plan sheet. Then work through Session 2 and finally watch Miss Penny's video for an example of a story opening.

Miss Penny's story opening


Underneath the video for this week is a link to an internal web-page where we have uploaded all of the phonics videos we have created for you to use at home. They are handily all in one place so you can easily access them to use again if you wish to smiley

Phonics Recap and Application Session 1


Lesson 1 - Position and Direction

Learn about quarter turns and half turns moving clockwise and anticlockwise. Then have a go at cutting out the pictures and sticking them on the worksheet according to the instructions along the top.

Lesson 2- Days of the Week- Additional days of the Week resources are further down the page

Foundation Subjects

Listen to us read some stories

Miss Stewart reading 'Giraffes Can't Dance'

Miss Penny reading Handa's Surprise by Eileen Browne

Mrs Patterson reads 'Katie and the Dinosaurs'

Would you like to meet a dinosaur?

Additional Resources
