Home Page



Welcome to Team Seahorses!


We are a Reception class and our Teacher is Mrs.Hemming and our Teaching assistant is Mrs.Warren


Topic-What is the Sea? 


PE Days: Track suit Tuesday, each week we play tennis with an external tennis coach. We are learning how to control the ball and volley. As the weather improves we are playing  a variety of outside games using hoops,balls and bean bags.

Friday is our PE lesson when we are starting to use the large apparatus in the hall including wall bars and climbing rings.


Library Day: - we enjoy listening to a story in the library and choosing a variety of books for our classroom libraries.


Computing: Every Thursday Seahorses enjoy a range of computing activities including iPads,Chrome books and Bee Bots. We  will be using microphones to perform plays on our stage. 


Planners: Please read with your child every night and write a comment in their planner.


Home Learning: Maths challenges, Maths Passports, Literacy challenges, Handwriting, Daily reading, Weekend News and Half termly projects.

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!


Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!

Seahorses in Autumn

Seahorses classroom
