School Contact Details: Stanley Park Infants' School, Carshalton, SM5 3JL. Telephone: 020 8647 9322. Address all enquiries to: Mr David D'Souza, Head of School. General queries and enquiries are received initially by the school office and directed to the appropriate person.
Admissions Arrangements: Admissions to the school are determined by our trust Cirrus Primary Academy Trust. Information on admissions can be found on the admissions page.
Exclusion arrangements: Information on exclusion arrangements can be found in our Behaviour-policy.
OFSTED: The most recent OFSTED report for the school may be downloaded here.
Assessment Results: The school’s most recent KS1 results can be found on our school website on the Results 2017 page.
Performance Tables: School performance tables can be accessed on the following link:
Curriculum: Information about the school curriculum can be found on the Curriculum-page.
Behaviour Policy: Information about the school Behaviour Policy and anti-bullying statements can be found in the Behaviour-policy.
Pupil premium: For 2017-2018 the pupil premium grant for Stanley Park Infants' School was £28,140. This allocation will be spent in line with the school’s published strategy report which can be found on the following link along with further information about the impact of expenditure so far
PE and Sports Premium: Details about our funding allocation; how we have spent this and the impact it has had, are published on our Sports-Premium-page.
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities SEND: Detailed information about the School Offer, including policy and provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities can be found in the Special Educational Needs and Disability and the Inclusion Policies on the school website by following this link. Further details are also available on our SEND-page.
Accessibility plan for disabled pupils: The accessibility plan can be viewed here.
Equality objectives: Stanley Park Infants' School complies with the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010. Details can be viewed here.
Complaints procedure: Our complaints policy and our whistle blowing policy can be viewed here. Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with special educational needs about the support provided by the school can be viewed in the SEND Policy here.
Annual reports and accounts : The annual financial reports for our trust can be viewed here under Annual financial reports link on the Key Information page.
Governors information and duties. The governors information and duties for our trust can be viewed here and for the academy governors including meeting attendance and declared interests at
Charging and remissions policy: The school’s current Charging and Remissions Policy can be accessed here.
Statement of ethos and values: Please look on our Visions-and-Values page to see our values and ethos statement.
A paper copy of any of the information on this website can be provided free of charge to parents on request.