Stanley Park Infants' School opened a new nursery provision in January 2018.
The nursery has a published admission number (PAN) of 26. The nursery offers full-time places (9.00am - 3.00pm term time) for children whose parents are eligible for the extended free childcare offer of 30 hours for working parents. For further information regarding funding entitlements and to see if and when your child would be eligible for funding please access the Childcare Choices website by clicking here.
In-Year Applications for 2020-2021
Please click here to make an in-year application for this academic year (2020-2021). This is for children who will turn 3 by 31st March 2021 (born between 01/09/2016 and 31/03/2018). Once your application is received your child will be added to the waiting list and you will be contacted if/when a place becomes available. Please note that applications are ranked in accordance with our admissions criteria. If your child will still be eligible for a place in September 2021 a separate application should be made below to be considered for a place at that time; applications do not carry forward to the next academic year.
Admission Arrangements for Entry for September 2020
The arrangements for entry from September 2020 have been determined by the Trust, please see document below.
Applications for September 2021
Please click here to make an application for entry in September 2021 (children born between 01/09/2017 and 31/08/2018) . The closing date for applications is 15th January 2021. You may still apply after this date but your application will be treated as a 'late application' and will be ranked in accordance with the admission arrangements below; we do not operate a first come, first served system.
We will notify you within a week after applications close to confirm that your application is being dealt with. Decision letters for children who are eligible to attend nursery in September 2021 will be sent by e-mail on Friday 23rd April 2021. Children who are not offered a place due to over-subscription criteria will be notified and will be placed on the waiting list in accordance with admission arrangements.
Children who are not eligible to start until either January or April 2022 will not be able to apply until October 2021.
Admission Arrangements for Entry for September 2021
The admissions arrangements for entry from September 2021 have now been determined; please see document below.
Wrap Around Care
Nursery children will be able to apply for places in our Breakfast and After School Clubs. Please click here for further information and to download the application for the breakfast club (copies are also available from the school office). Please note that applications should only be made once an offer has been made for nursery and accepted.
For further information and to reserve a place for after school club please contact Jancett direct on (020) 8669 1725.
Please note that attendance at Stanley Park Infants' Nursery does not give priority for a place in Reception Parents/Carers must re-apply and follow the process for entry to Reception.