Class Teacher: Miss Davies
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Robinson
Topics: Are you a real dolphin? Are you ready for change?
PE: Friday - Children change in school for PE.
PE works on fundamental movement skills through games, dance and gymnastics.
PE and Tennis: Tracksuit Tuesday - Children come into school in navy tracksuit bottoms, trainers and their usual school polo top and jumper. We have an external tennis coach who delivers the tennis lessons.
Library: We visit the school library and this is an opportunity for the children to experience the library environment, see how the books are organised and generally explore and enjoy the range of books on offer .We choose a selection for our class library.
Home/School Planners: Please try to listen to your child read every day and write a short comment in their planners. We will read with the children once a week and record a comment.
Computing: Every Thursday we enjoy a range of computing activities including Bee Bots,Chrome books and IPads. This term we will be using paint programs, learning how to type our names and print our work. We will be looking at the capital letters on the keyboard and relating them to the lower case letters we use in our writing.
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!